what happens then is up to you

Hi, I'm Tracy !

I'm an artist and innovator,

founder of El Mindset

I'm a Lebanese student in computer engineering. I'm passionate about creating, and helping others, especially those who don't have the means to do it themselves.I was diagnosed with JIA when I was 8 years old.
Finding the right doctor and medication was very tough, which is why I created El mindset.
It's my way of giving back to the community so that others like me don't have to go through the same hardships.

About us

El Mindset is about choosing how you want to deal with tough situations. You can't control what's going to happen next, but when it does, you hold the power of your actions.El stands for "the" in arabic. So it's all about choosing to have the right, positive mindset regardless of the outcome.
This is my way of including my culture in everything I do.
It also sounds like "elle" which means "she" in french because it's important to me to highlight women's work in modern society as it's a big part of my identity.

Fun fact:

  • Everything you see is hand drawn and designed by our founder: logo, website, backgrounds, custom color palette...

  • You can scan our logo to learn more about us!


  • Single platform to collect data for quick and easy data access

  • Study all variations in a patient’s case over time

  • Make data available for research

  • Minimize the margin for human error

  • More sustainable and green

  • Efficient information filing

The issue at hand

For the community:

  • The data is very scattered, every doctor only has the data of their patients.

  • There is no database therefore no data processing and/or analysis.

  • There is little/inconclusive research

JIA is not widely known by pediatricians.
This means that either the parents don't know that their child is sick, (delayed care provision) or they do think that something's wrong but the patient is being treated for the wrong disease (diagnostic error)...

The issue at hand

For the doctors:

  • There is no appropriate patient management system.

  • The documents are not backed up, they only exist in hard copies.

  • Manual data entry needs time and effort.

  • This whole system is costly and not efficient.

For all the techies out there

We're using Canon's latest technologies in document and information management to create a cloud based integrated solution.
Patient files are managed using Therefore case manager; integrated with Canon DX MFD, the paper based medical exam is pushed to the cloud through a single click, while IRIS Power Scan - a leading OCR engine - is used for Scanning and Data Capture as it converts image based PDF into useful data for efficient analysis and reporting.

Fun fact

This is what the joints skeleton looks like!PS: This picture is hand drawn by our founder :)

The diagnosis

When I was 8, I suddenly felt a sharp pain in my knee... It got all swollen and warm but we didn't know what caused it. It took my parents and I almost a month before I got diagnosed with Arthritis. We tried different medications and went to multiple doctors but everything failed because the treatments were destined for adults.A year later, I found my current doctor, she's the only pediatric rheumatologist in Lebanon and she diagnosed me with JIA. The medication constantly being out of stock in Lebanon and Europe, finding it was quite the struggle... Keep in mind it wasn't expensive, just unattainable.As I grew, the disease spread and many of my joints were affected: ankles, knees, hips, right elbow, right wrist, jaw... You name it. It took me about 30mins to be able to get out of bed in the morning: I started to limp and writing was really painful. I'm usually a private person about this because I don't want people to treat me any differently. However, I'm sharing my story now because I want to inspire others to follow their passion! I am proof that being sick doesn't define you, you choose how to define yourself. And so, I chose to change my mindset: instead of asking "why me?" I started to think about "it's happening anyways, so what am I gonna do about it?"...

The mindset

I had to stop most of my activities but this wasn't going to stop me.
I kept on doing some of the things I enjoy like swimming and playing the piano despite the pain.
I was contacted to give part of my testimony for an awareness campaign led by the NGO for Pediatric Rheumatic Diseases in Lebanon, Little Heroes.
I also started running the Beirut marathon as a yearly tradition with my friends to raise funds and have some fun.
After the Beirut blast, I had to leave the country but I still wanted to contribute in some way and that's when it struck me:
every checkup at the doctor's office takes an hour and a half on average because aside from a thorough examination, they have to type in the blood test results and then, start writing down the physical diagnosis...
But what if everything was digital?
As of now, I'm able to do more, to make a bigger difference, thanks to Canon that supported my project and encouraged me to take part in their Aktashif programme.
I am honored to have been selected as a runner-up winner especially being the only female. I'm proud to represent Arab women in such growing industries. I can't wait to see my platform being used and helping out other people whether it's the doctors or the patients. I also hope to have raised awareness for JIA as it's not a very well known disease despite it being quite common.

The Aktashif Programme

The Canon AKTASHIF Program is an annual creative careers competition. It ignites creativity and entrepreneurship and encourages the youth to explore business opportunities and define their career paths. Through four different modules, they are guided through the process of designing and launching a successful business from having a pitch, to establishing a business plan and even building a website.

Click on the picture above for more on the results of the competition!

Where to reach us

The best way to reach us is through our Instagram DMs because we'd love to have a casual conversation and answer all your questions.
Also, feel free to e-mail us for more info!
We'll get back to you as soon as possible.